Monday, July 27, 2009

Reducing FCAT Stress

The FCAT is a stressful time for the students, educators and parents of Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach counties. So much time is spent on test preparation for these vital exams. One downside of this is the negative effect that stress has on Florida students and their test taking abilities. Now lawmakers are looking for ways to reduce the anxiety of those college bound students.

Read this article from the Miami Herald about this very topic: Florida educators seek ways to reduce stress of FCAT prep frenzy

Thursday, July 23, 2009

A Message from our Founder

Dear Friends:

Can you believe that the summer is almost over?!? These warm months have flown by, and with everyday that passes, JLP's summer promotions come closer to an end. If you have not visited our website yet, take a moment to browse our new "Summer Specials" page which details our sizzling promotions at

Even though it is an ideal time to hit the beach, it is also the best time to catch up or get ahead on your academics, study skills, and test-preparation. Before you know it, the first ACT arrives in September, the PSAT/SAT comes in October, and college application deadlines start in November. Stay ahead of the game and do not procrastinate on you or your student's future!


Jamie Lynn

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Education 101: What kinds of programs are offered by learning centers?

This is another post that remind you to do your research! Make sure you know what to expect when you are signing up for any kind of educational service. This is from the Examiner site:

"Considering a learning center or private tutoring for your student?

Most learning centers offer a variety of services, but basic services can be broken down into three types of programs. (read full article here)"

Monday, July 20, 2009

Parents fall victim to predator test preperation services

Thankfully, JLP Education Services offered in Miami- Dade and Broward Counties has a commendable reputation and a list of references for their current and impending clientele. I wish I could say the same for this test-prep company.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

South Florida community colleges eager for U.S. funds

How will President Obama's stimulus package and initiatives effect community colleges in Dade county and South Florida as a whole? This piece from the Miami Herald looks at some projects at Florida's schools that the stimulus could save.

"From new classrooms to ''green energy'' academic programs to whole new college buildings, leaders at Miami Dade and Broward colleges have plenty of planned improvements, some of which could start at a moment's notice. (read full article here)"

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Don't fret back-to-school prep with this checklist

Heads up Miami-Dade County! Parents and students in Florida need to be conscientious about preventing Summer learning loss. Check out this article from the associated Press.

"Yep, it's summer, and as twisted as it sounds, that should mean back-to-school prep for parents to avoid the inevitable nervous breakdown that comes with waiting until the last minute on absolutely everything. (read full article)"

Friday, July 17, 2009

Testing Tactics Helped Fuel D.C. School Gains

Test prep really works! This article from the Washington Post talks about testing gains in the nation's capitol. These strategies are effective for Florida students facing everything from the FCAT to the SAT.

Testing Tactics Helped Fuel D.C. School Gains

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Whatever Happened to Cursive?

Have we seen the end of penmanship in general and cursive in particular? Read this Long Island Press article about the subject.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Student Loan Relief

Attention college grads living in Miami, Florida. You might be able to pay a little less on that hefty student loan bill you have. Read what the New York Times says about this.

FCAT possibly traded for National Standard

As all Miami, Broward and West Palm Beach students and parents know, FCAT's make up a big part of their school year. Now to make things possibly more confusing, or at the very least different, national standards are being considered for all state competency exams for K-12. Read the article from the Christian Science Monitor here.

GED classes are full

As many people might have noticed, the job market is very competitive right now. More individuals in Miami-Dade and Florida in general are taking steps to secure their GED in order to become better candidates. Read what the Christian Science Monitor has to say about this phenomenon.