Friday, August 28, 2009

Most Diverse Class of Students Ever Sits for SAT

Diversity in the SAT is on the rise according to this US News and World report article. South Florida students already know this as Miami is one of the most diverse cities in the country.

Read the article here.

Dangling Money, Obama Pushes Education Shift

From the New York Times

"Holding out billions of dollars as a potential windfall, the Obama administration is persuading state after state to rewrite education laws to open the door to more charter schools and expand the use of student test scores for judging teachers. "(read full article here)

Connecting Anxious Parents and Educators, at $450 an Hour

Parents employ high ticket guidance counselors for private school admissions. (Read full article here.)

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Paying students for high test scores?

In a new twist on an old problem, NYC is trying an incentivized approach to improving students' test scores.

Read the article from College News here.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Florida SAT scores up slightly in reading, math

From the Miami Herald:

" Florida's high school graduates had a slightly higher average on the critical reading and math sections of the SAT, but saw a small decline in their writing scores.

The average 2009 graduate scored a 497 on critical reading and 498 in math. Those scores are each one point higher than students performed last year. In writing, they averaged a 480, one point lower than in 2008.

Compared to the nationwide averages, Florida students trail considerably in each of those categories. They are four points behind in critical reading; 17 points lower in math and 13 points behind in writing.

More than 1,000 additional students took the test this year, an important part of most college admissions."

Stanley Kaplan dies at 90

R.I.P. Stanley Kaplan, the father of modern test preparation.

From the LA Times:

"Stanley H. Kaplan, the founder and namesake of the nation's first test-preparation company, died of heart failure Sunday at his home in New York City. He was 90.

Kaplan started a tutoring company in his parents' Brooklyn home in 1938. In 1946, a student asked him to help her prepare for what was then called the Scholastic Aptitude Test. " (read full obituary here)

Monday, August 24, 2009

New High School Accountability System is an improvement

From the Examiner website:

"Monday, Aug. 24, marks the first day back to school in Miami-Dade County. This weekend, students, parents, teachers, administrators and school support staff alike are preparing themselves for that first day back, always a little exciting, a little nerve-racking, a little frightening, a little sad...back to the daily grind.

But while students and parents may not be aware of it yet, this year promises to be a little different for teachers and administrators in Florida. The 2009-2010 school year marks the first year of a revised high school accountability system--the system that awards grades (A-F) to schools and determines, in dire cases, if the schools need to be subject to drastic measures from the district or state." (read article here)

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

SAT Deadlin September 9th!

We just got this in our inbox. This pertains to all Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach County students as well as any Florida residents who are planning on taking the SAT. Make sure you do not miss the deadline to sign up for the SAT!

From the College Board:

"As the summer comes to a close, there's no better time for students to get serious about their future. And one of the best ways of doing that is by taking the SAT® this October. Whether it's their first time or they're taking it again for a better score, the SAT is an opportunity for students to show how well they think, solve problems and communicate—along with how well they've learned their everyday course work.

Kids who have taken the SAT previously can take advantage of our EZ Registration. As the name suggests, it makes signing up fast and easy. Maybe your child is debating whether or not to attend college. That's OK. We still encourage seniors to take the SAT now while everything they've learned these past three years is still fresh in their minds.

We want to give students like yours the resources and tools to succeed. That's why, when they register online, they can get free practice tools including an official SAT practice test and The Official SAT Question of the Day™ e-mail. It's a great site where you and your child can go together. You'll both find lots of useful information to help ensure your child's SAT experience is a positive one.

THE DEADLINE IS SEPTEMBER 9, so have your child sign up today. Remember, the SAT is the one test that shows what students know and what they know they can do."

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Schools entice more to sign up for SATs

"...Free food. Free money. Prizes that appeal to every teenager's lust for gadgets and gear.

The catch? Saturday school and the SAT.

"If you can motivate kids, they'll do amazing things for you," said Michael Hutchins, assistant principal at Lewiston High School...." (read full article here)

We aren't sure if Florida has the resources to incentivize students in Miami-Dade and South Florida to take the SAT and be prepared for it.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Fall Services

Dear Friends:

School starts in two weeks!! These warm months have flown by, and with every day that passes, JLP's summer promotions come closer to an end. If you have not visited our website yet, take a moment to browse our "Summer Specials" page which details our sizzling promotions at These deals last until August 24th. Even if you do not use your hours right away, you can purchase them now, at the summer price, and use them later. We also accept credit card payments through Paypal now!

Even though it is an ideal time to hit the beach, it is also the best time to catch up or get ahead on your academics, study skills, and test-preparation. Before you know it, the first ACT arrives in September, the PSAT/SAT comes in October, and college application deadlines start in November. Stay ahead of the game and do not procrastinate on you or your student's future!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Education and technology

Students in Miami-Dade and other South Florida areas can join the others around teh globe who are taking advantage of online learning for test preparation.

Read this article from the Politics Daily site:

Smart Technology Breeds Smart Students in Web Test Prep Market