Friday, June 4, 2010

Tips Before the Final Exam

The last SAT Exam of the 2009-2010 school year is tomorrow!! We know that many of you feel nervous about the test, so JLP wanted to remind you of some of our most important tips and tricks:

  1. Wake up early
  2. Eat a healthy breakfast.
  3. Pack a snack
  4. Do some practice exercises (one short passage or a couple of math problems will suffice) while eating breakfast. This wakes your brain up!
  5. Make sure you have your pencils, calculators, ID, and ticket stub.
  6. Arrive early!
  7. For the Writing section, remember to use the JLP Perfect Essay template on your essay.
  8. For the grammar sections, study page 101 in your text and review your JLP grammar notes!
  9. In Critical Reading, remember to use all six steps when solving the sentence completions. You MUST use all steps in consecutive order for the strategy to work.
  10. Skip the short passage and go straight to the long passage.
  11. Solve the long passages using your steps. DO NOT forget to underline!
  12. For the Math section, do not forget there is an Order of Difficulty. Spend time on the easy/medium problems before you tackle the hard ones.
  13. Never leave anything blank in the grid-in section. You are not deducted points.
  14. Stay up-to-date on educational news and promotional products:

We hope that these tips were good reminders of all that you have learned in our SAT Prep programs. We wish all of our students luck!

Monday, April 19, 2010

The average reading level of the top 20 books read by U.S. high school students is 5.3. Why??

$50.00 off minimum package of 12 hours for any type of service if you mention this post!!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010 releases the March SAT scores tomorrow! You can find your scores online before the physical results are sent to your home. Students, post your scores on our fan page or twitter. Current students, post your increase: or on twitter @jlpeducation.

Also, while you have time, no matter what age, figure out what colleges may be the best for you. This service is free!

Miami-Dade and Broward students, call us to start your test-prep and K-12 tutoring now!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Tips on Vocational Schools

During tough financial times, do not fall prey to propaganda. In Miami and Broward, we see TV commercials that give false hopes during much of day time television. Stay away from unaccredited, for-profit colleges and universities:

How to get the Most out of your Test-prep

JLP students and parents already know what is expected from them. How much you should commit to SAT prep:,gbradshaw-0312.article

Miami Needs to Invest in SAT/ACT Prep

Investing in private test-prep classes and how they do it in Manhattan's Upper Eastside: It's how we do it at JLP Education Services!

SAT ScoreChoice System Explained

Once again, someone breaking down the new ScoreChoice system, different college admissions, and the validity of test-prep. Be informed!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

How to conduct yourself on a college tour

For parents and students, the do's and don't of a campus visit. JLP tutoring students and parents, this is great advice:

Monday, March 1, 2010

Are you interested in which college major makes the most money? Do you know which college turns out the highest paid workers? High school students in Miami-Dade and Broward Counties should check out this article:

Friday, February 26, 2010

Our Founder Gives Helpful Advice

Lately, many JLP students who are seniors in Miami-Dade and Broward Counties have received multiple acceptance letters and are confused on how to pick the right school for them. This prompted us to jot down some quick tips on how to handle this situation.

Now that you’ve gotten those college acceptance letters in, how do you choose?

Many high-school students send out numerous applications to many different schools. Some students stick with the standard two-safe and two-dream school formula, while others apply to as many as possible. So, what happens when students get accepted in to more schools than they anticipated? Here is JLP’s advice on picking the most suitable college:

· * Visit, visit, visit and stray from the beaten path. Take the recommended student-guided tour, but once that’s over, go explore the campus on your own. Most visitors can walk right in to the academic buildings where classes are being held; peek inside the classrooms. With out a guide, go to the main drag where the other kids hang out and talk to other students about their experiences.

· * Decide how close you want to be to your family. Financially, is it better to be next to or live with your family? Will you be able to afford flights home for all of the holidays? Decide how important staying close is to you.

· * Choose which region you prefer. Do you favor an urban or rural, tropical or seasonal environment? These are important factors to decide; remember that you will also be LIVING here for the next four years. This is the beginning of your formative adult years.

· * Determine whether you will need a part-time job while pursuing your academic studies. Is there enough work in the town where you will be living? Find out if there is a strong possibility for part-time employment or if you would qualify for a work-study program.

· * See if students are satisfied. Don’t just look at the school’s website to decide if students are happy. With all of the survey and review websites offered today (Yelp or Yahoo, or even more specific ones like College Confidential), you can view different opinions and interact with current students and alumni in order to ask real questions about your intended institution.

· * Find out if they offer your precise program of choice. If you know you may want to study something specific, you better make sure your future university offers a program for you.

· * Essentially, follow your GUT; go with your instincts and it will lead you to your perfect match.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Disadvantaged Students Continue AP Climb

"Continuing a pattern from recent years, more students from low-income families are taking—and earning what is considered a passing score on—at least one Advanced Placement exam, a new analysis of results for the public high school graduating class of 2009 shows." (full article here)

JLP is now offering AP tutoring packages for Dade and Broward County students.

Monday, February 8, 2010

With Federal Stimulus Money Gone, Many Schools Face Budget Gaps

From the NY Times: "Federal stimulus money has helped avoid drastic cuts at public schools in most parts of the nation, at least so far. But with the federal money running out, many of the nation’s schools are approaching what officials are calling a “funding cliff.” (read full article here)

This situation puts the welfare and future of Florida students in a precarious place. Those families that can afford supplemental services such as tutors and after school programs are well advised to do so.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Failure rate for AP tests climbing

"The number of students taking Advanced Placement tests hit a record high last year, but the portion who fail the exams — particularly in the South — is rising as well, a USA TODAY analysis finds." (full article here)

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Kids wonder when school restarts, but education system lies in rubble

"While Haiti's education ministry was being demolished by a bulldozer Friday, the country's children were wondering when they might see the inside of a classroom again.

Corpses were still being pulled from the mountain of concrete that was the building from which Haiti's school system was administered.(full article here)"

The tragedy in Haiti gives us a moment to really appreciate the system we have here, whatever problems there are.

Monday, February 1, 2010

At 100, she gets degree on deathbed

This is a truly inspirational story. It is never too late to achieve your dreams.

"It was Harriet Richardson Ames' dream to earn her bachelor's degree in education. She finally reached that milestone, nearly three weeks after achieving another: her 100th birthday." (read full article here)

Friday, January 29, 2010

Investing in brains

The Economist asks, "Should the economic squeeze mean cuts, reform or more spending on education?" (full article here)

Certainly this is a valid an rich inquiry that is relevant to students in Florida and elsewhere.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Is Your Teen More Stressed Than You Think?

Stress can play a big role in your student's performance and overall well being.

"As a parent, you might think your teen has a pretty easygoing life. After all, being a night owl and sleeping late on the weekends doesn't exactly spell stressed out.
However, recent findings are telling a different story. A new study set to be released in a future issue of Clinical Psychology Review suggests more high school and college students deal with mental anxiety today than teens from the Great Depression Era." (full story here)

Bright Futures scholarships take hit

From the Miami Herald:

"Florida's Bright Futures scholarship program will pass on the state's tuition increase to students and families." (read full article here)

This is sad news for those Florida students striving to get ahead.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

SAT and ACT tests quickly approaching!

JLP Education Services wanted to say good luck to those students who are taking the January SAT this Saturday! We also wanted to inform you that there are ONLY 16 days left to register for the March 13 SAT Test. Registration ends February 4th and late registration is open until February 18. Remember to register early so you do not accrue any additional fees.

Unfortunately, registration and late registration is closed for the February 6th ACT Exam. If you did not sign up for this test (and you should be taking both!) then you will have another chance to take it on April 10th. Registration deadline for that test is March 5th.

Remember that it is never too late to start preparation! We are in the midst of standardized test season, so make sure you have someone you can trust coach you and your family through the competitive world of the college-bound. JLP Education Services is here to help.

To view all the SAT and ACT test dates, please visit our website:

Have you signed up for the question of the day on the CollegeBoard website?

What about the question of the day for the ACT test?

South Korean police probe alleged SAT test leak

Police said Monday they were investigating a private language school teacher for allegedly helping two South Korean students in the United States cheat on a standardized SAT college admissions exam. (read full story here)

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Teachers Union Supports Member Evaluations Based on Test Scores

American Federation of Teachers president Randi Weingarten urged teachers today to support member evaluations linked to student achievement scores, a measure long opposed by many educators. (read full article here)

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

SAT scores are rising for incoming college students, especially at USF

"Average SAT scores for students entering the state universities are rising, and nowhere as much as at the University of South Florida.

In 10 years, USF scores have soared by 84 points, from 1067 to 1151.

Other state universities have seen similar gains. University of Central Florida's average score rose by 81 points, to 1225. At the University of North Florida, in Jacksonville, the average went up by 74 points, to 1199. (full article here)"

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

A Closer Look at College Entrance Exams

Daniel Morizino takes issue with the SAT. "The shortcomings of the SAT feed into the larger dysfunctions of standardized testing and its role in the college admissions process. (full article here)"

What do you think? Is the SAT hopelessly flawed? Is it necessary? Is it great?

Monday, January 4, 2010

Happy New Year!

Good Morning Friends!
JLP Education Services hopes that all of you had a wonderful and blessed Holiday Season. If you are returning to classes, offices, or car-pool lanes, JLP wishes everyone a happy and safe start to 2010.
Remember to stay informed in this new year by following our blog at:
Or, for quick and easy academic tidbits, follow our twitter:
Solidify your relationship with JLP by becoming our Facebook friend:
The next SAT is on January 23rd and the next ACT is on February 6th. Get at 2400 in 2010 by taking advantage of our Holiday Promotion which has been extended to January 10th. Contact us for our decade ending prices!

Best Regards,

JLP Education Services, LLC
(305) 894-6024