Monday, May 18, 2009

The Impact of Dropping SAT Scores from Admissions Would Increase Minority Enrollment

From Inside Higher Ed:

"A new research study -- based on simulations using actual student applications at competitive colleges that require the SAT or ACT for admission -- has found that ending the requirement would lead to demonstrable gains in the percentages of black and Latino students, and working class or economically disadvantaged students, who are admitted...."

No surprises there.

1 comment:

  1. check out the comments below the article. It looks as if the majority of the 34 comments listed are by education professionals that are in favor of keeping the standardized test. It may sometimes be too relied upon to diagnose a students aptitude, but it has been linked to retention and survival upon enrollment. A student who scores a 650 is much more likely to stay enrolled opposed to one who scored a 400.....
